GenHealth Hamilton

Andrew Fry


Andrew Fry


Enjoys Treating

Sporting injuries, musculoskeletal issues

Qualifications and courses completed

Bachelor of Health Science

Masters of Physiotherapy Practice

FIFA Diploma of Sports medicine

GLA:D training

Dry needling

DMA Pilates

What inspired you to pursue a career in allied health?

Wanting to sit on the sidelines of the AFL.

What do you love most about working at Gen Health?

Being able to rock up at work and ask anyone anything- work related or not.

Hobbies & Interests outside of work

Football, basketball, tennis, golf

Next time you see me, ask me about…

My dumb ideas list on my phone.

A food I will never get sick of is…

Taco Tuesday

If I could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, it would be…

Ben Cousins

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