GenHealth Hamilton

Rachelle Slabbert

Rachelle Slabbert

Occupational Therapist

Enjoys Treating

Working with families in relation to a young person’s mental health such as anxiety, ASD, depression.

Qualifications and courses completed

Bachelor of Applied Science & Master of Occupational Therapy Practice.

Single Session Family Consultation + Single Session Family Consultation – Families where a parent has a Mental Illness (FaPMI).


Sensory Modulation.

ASD in Adults Introductory.

ASD in Adults Advanced.

Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) Introductory.

What inspired you to pursue a career in allied health?

I have always been a keen observer of people and really enjoy helping people in a meaningful way, I was attracted to OT as it’s a profession that has a scientific and evidence based core but also recognises the complexities of human nature and how we interact with others and the environment we live in.

What do you love most about working at Gen Health?

I love how dedicated and energetic the team is to delivering quality healthcare to the local community, always striving for improvement.

Hobbies & Interests outside of work

Spending time at home and on the farm with my family and animals, reading, running and watching a good crime documentary.

Next time you see me, ask me about…

Whatever latest podcast, book or documentary I have listened to / watched.

A food I will never get sick of is…

I love porridge for breakfast … every day.

If I could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, it would be…

Queen Elizabeth

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